Intuitive and Versatile Control and Evaluation Platform for Particle Size and Particle Shape Analysis
PAQXOS succeeds the well proven WINDOX application software and incorporates our collective particle sizing expertise into a user-friendly and forward-thinking framework. PAQXOS is realised as a powerful, network-ready 64-bit software for Windows® environments. It serves as the joint base for all Sympatec instruments with a network interface and the connected dispersers, samplers as well as accessories for the laboratory and process environment. PAQXOS operates network wide under Windows® 11, 10 or 7. An intelligent step-by-step wizard together with the automated system detection supports the occasional or inexperienced user to get successfully started with particle sizing. PAQXOS autonomously takes care of the fundamental system settings and supports the user with built-in expert knowledge to develop a feasible measurement method and yield meaningful results.
PAQXOS has enhanced software and hardware requirements with respect to WINDOX. Especially the display should have a minimum size of 14" and a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels. Therefore special bundles of hardware, software and education are available in addition to a basic software upgrade. For a convenient migration, PAQXOS and WINDOX 5 can be installed and operated on the same computer. An integrated Database Converter is used to convert WINDOX databases to PAQXOS. All settings, templates, measured data and results are transferred. PAQXOS is compliant with all related ISO standards:
- Laser diffraction | ISO 13320:2020
- Dynamic image analysis | ISO 13322-1,2: 2014, 2021
- PCS, PCCS | ISO 22412: 2017
- Ultrasound Extinction | ISO 20998-1,2: 2006, 2022
- Representation of results | ISO 9276-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
PAQXOS is also compliant with FDA CFR 21 part 11 for electronic records and signatures. It includes more of two decades of experience with particle sizing in pharmaceutical environments.
- High usability via step-by-step wizard for quick and successful measurements | Adaptable desktop and self-explaining icons | Informative help texts | Well-defined templates for typical applications | Intuitive management of SOP’s
- Significant presentation of results as customized graphics, trends and tables with out-of-spec highlighting capability to save time during routine work
- High quality multi-page reports
- Various export and import functions for simple information exchange
- Automated operation and communications with external samplers, robots, SPCs, MODBUS or TCP/IP servers with PASCAL-like script language
- Compliance with related ISO standards and FDA CFR 21 part 11 for audit trail & electronic signatures in pharmaceutical applications
- Powerful data base management | Flexible definition of access rights | Integrated license management | Automated back-ups
- Safe data storage using a 64-bit transaction based data base
- Simple migration from WINDOX to PAQXOS
- Latest technology software for efficient support of WINDOWS 11, 10 or 7 with high resolution screens in a network environment
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All instruments settings are defined by a common settings dialogue. Sections for product, measuring range, trigger conditions etc. allow fast access to each parameter. Each section can be closed, expanded or edited to adapt the amount of visible information to user’s requirements. Parameters can be stored and loaded from named templates, or as Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) in total. If SOPs are used, the individual modification of parameters is prohibited. Special security settings for pharmaceutical applications and an audit-trail of all modifications are provided.
All measured data are stored in a powerful 64-bit data base which is hosted either locally or on a remote server. A table allows for fast access to all measured data. Sorting and filtering simplifies the display of specific measurements for inspection of measurement settings, signal conditions, and output of the results as diagrams, report, table, or file in various formats. This optionally includes averages and standard deviation of the measured data. As a special benefit, even settings or results can be added to the table as user specific columns.
The measured data can be displayed in various ways. Graphical presentation is provided for size, shape, particle gallery, correlation, and the optional trend or parameter diagrams. Table outputs with definable columns and highlighting options for out-of-specs results and EXCEL and PDF export capability are also available. Single or multi-page analyses reports in publishing quality composed from data base values, results, tables, texts, one or more graphics, with page headers and footers can be generated via templates and exported e.g. in WORD and PDF formats.
Templates for settings and presentations can be managed by two template management tools. They allow for the organisation, import and export of templates e.g. to distribute templates in working groups. An MS-WORD like template editor is provided to generate or modify templates for the report generation. This powerful WYSIWYG editor handles results, images, formulas, loops, conditional areas, page headers and footers etc. The user can e.g. simply insert the company logo into the documents or change the display unit of quantity from volume to number based.
The increasing requirements for automated solutions in laboratory and process environments are addressed by the built-in PASCAL like script language. This powerful language allows for access to all settings and measured results, can present user specific dialogues and communicate with external samplers, robots, SPCs or process controllers via serial or network communication channels (MODBUS or TCP server). A context sensitive script editor and script monitor is provided for the generation and testing of scripts with single step, parameter display and multiple breakpoint capability.
Strong focus was put on the usability of the software. Beginners will like the step-by-step wizard which helps to perform the first measurements. All settings are automatically taken from the instrument's configuration and combined with the knowhow of our experts. Small movies and extensive help texts widen the knowledge about the possibilities of the software. Pre-installed template libraries with proven settings for many applications simplify the day-to-day work. Drag & drop is used as intuitive method to load settings from stored measurements or to display a single or group of measured data as graphics, report, or table output.
The well organised desktop can be freely configured to your liking. Desktop configurations are stored and loaded under given names. As the complete configuration of the desktop and of all sub-windows is saved, even special table or graphics settings are restored. Three desktop configurations are factory provided for each instrument family which can be loaded by a single click. Numerous templates support frequently used layouts of the sub windows. Monitors with HDTV, 4k, 5k or larger are supported on single or multiple screens. Vector based icons always provide the best possible presentation independent of the monitors resolution.
Three administration programs are available:
- Service administration for the definition of the storage and back-up locations of the data bases and the assignment of administrators.
- Database Administration for the management of databases, definition of user and/or user groups, the assignment of access rights and the backup and maintenance of the databases. The definition of scheduled tasks is integrated.
- License Information to display and manage the current license status.
Since 2017 the new PAQXOS-Software is shipped with all new Sympatec instruments as the standard of delivery. For users who have either to stay with WINDOX 5 due to regulatory requirements or owners of instruments with the former fibre optical interface we continue to offer WINDOX 5.10 as current and validated version. It operates under WINDOWS 7 and 10. Please get in touch with the Sympatec service team.