Request Service Form After-Sales Service Request a Service Your Service Request Phone support and remote service Arrange on-site service appointment Request a quote for a service visit...
Company Sympatec Company We develop, manufacture, sell, service and support instruments for the analysis of particle size and particle shape. In 1984, Sympatec was established...
Identity Sympatec Identity With the occupation of our new headquarters Pulverhaus on the premises of the historical Caroline mine in 2004, the corporate culture of Sympatec GmbH...
Quality Sympatec Quality Precision instruments made in Germany Sympatec's Quality Management System (QM system) is primarily designed to get the optimum performance and best...
Careers Sympatec Careers Qualified. Reliable. Open-minded. As a creative technology venture with 20 offices in 12 countries we directly serve and support the 50 most important...
News News Events 12. August 2024 Webinar NANOPHOX CS Read More Sympatec Worldwide 09. April 2024 20 Years - Sympatec in China Explore More Don't miss any exciting news from...
Pulverhaus Company Pulverhaus In a picturesque environment, edged by ponds of the Harz Mountains, surrounded by forests of fir and gorgeous alleys of maple trees, the headquarters...
Genesis Company Genesis As the only company worldwide with an exclusive focus on the analysis of particle size and shape, we have been able to consistently develop and...
Corporate Citizenship Identity Corporate Citizenship Since a dozen of years, we are realising that we have received plenty from the region: technology and staff from Clausthal Technical...