

  • Particle and droplet size distribution
  • For aerosols and sprays from MDI, pump or propellant gas bottles
  • For analyses in laboratories and pilot plants
  • Time-resolved, time-segmented and time-integrated measurements
  • 5 high-resolution measuring ranges from 0.5 µm to 1.750 µm | R2 to R6
  • Variable measuring zone from 123 mm to 1,400 mm with the standard profile
  • Measuring zones in excess of 1,400 mm are possible in a free arrangement
Variable adjustable universal rack with SMACTOR actuator.
Propellant gas spray in the SMACTOR actuator – ready to trigger a spray shot into the measuring zone of the HELOS/KR-Vario.
Pharyngeal pump spray in the SMACTOR actuator.
User interface of the user-friendly PAQXOS evaluation software.